Over 1000 farmers in the district have expressed an interest in growing bamboo to generate long-term income. It comes after the Pune Zilla Parishad worked hard over the past two years to cultivate bamboo on 55 hectares of barren land in three tehsils: Bhor, Maval and Mulshi.
Ayush Prasad, chief executive officer of the Zilla Parisad, stated that they have been encouraging farmers to take up bamboo farming by providing saplings and other logistical support.
“Our plan is to cultivate bamboo on 2000 hectares of land across the 13 tehsils in the district,” Prasad told. The Zilla Parishad will facilitate the procurement of saplings from nurseries accredited by the Maharashtra Bamboo Development Board in order to meet the target. Each tehsil’s agriculture officials will train interested farmers and hold workshops to explain the basics of bamboo cultivation, market prospects, and other topics.
Maintenance charge of Rs 200 for each sapling
“We will also pay the farmers a maintenance charge of Rs 200 for each sapling for the next three years. Subsequently, Farmers will earn money from the same for the next 70 years”, said Sneha Deo, the block development officer of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005.
The Zilla Parishad is targeting the tehsils with hilly regions/ landscapes where farmers usually cultivate seasonal crops.
Tehsils such as Bhor, Velhe, Maval, Mulshi and the western regions of khed, Ambegaon and Junnar tehsils are known for their hilly and barren landscapes. Farmers from these areas only cultivate rice during the monsoon and afterwards they do not produce any other crop because of unavailability of water, said he Zilla Parishad officials.