How to Secure Google Account: Follow these 4 easy Steps

Google is now an essential part of everyone’s life. To access the internet, browse your mail, and even receive messages, you must use Google. For advanced features and convenient experiences, your Android phone requires a Google account sign-in. As a result, it goes without saying that protecting your Google account should be a top priority for any internet user.

With payments going digital and food ordering done through an app, it all comes down to the hardware in your hands, which is the smartphone. You don’t need to spend a lot of time to secure your Google account, and you can do it right now if you follow these steps.

Take The Google Security Checkup

Google provides a detailed list of actions that users can take to secure their Google account. The Google Security Checkup is designed to protect your devices and assist you in removing those that are no longer in use. Google displays a list of devices that have accessed your Google account. If you discover a phone or tablet that was used months or even years ago, Google will ask you to remove its access to your account.

In addition to this, you can verify the email ID used for sign-in and recovery.

Track Your Passwords

With so many digital accounts, keeping track of their passwords can be a nightmare. You can use the Security Checkup to determine which of your passwords have been involved in data breaches. Google advises users to change the passwords on the exposed accounts as soon as possible.

Enable Safe Browsing

Safe Browsing has been mentioned quite a few times but Google has an enhanced feature that protects users against accessing dangerous websites, the files they download and even the extensions that you use on Chrome and other apps. The feature also alerts users if their password has been exposed in a breach. Google uses the URLs from Chrome and Google apps and checks them for any malicious activity that could endanger the user and their account.

New Account Sign-In Alerts

People frequently use their Google accounts on the devices of others. In such cases, Google notifies the user of a new sign-in alert and keeps track of where their Google account has been accessed, regardless of where they are in the world. This mechanism allows you to keep track of any unusual activities associated with your Google account.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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