The Power of Art: How 20 Minutes of Art Activity Can Add 10 Years to Your Life

Art has been a significant part of human life since the beginning of time. It not only serves as a form of self-expression but also helps in relieving stress, improving mood, and regulating emotions. But did you know that spending just 20 minutes engaging in art activities can add up to 10 years to your life? According to a recent study conducted by the University of London, including art in your life can have immense benefits on your physical and mental health. Let’s dive into the details of this study and explore the power of art.

Art: The Basis of Human Life

Art is the foundation of human life. From the earliest cave paintings to mo dem-day masterpieces, art has always been a way for us to express our emotions and communicate with the world. It is crucial to include art in our lives as it has been proven to reduce stress, improve mood, and regulate emotions.

20 Minutes of Art Activity Equals 8 Hours of Sleep

The University of London conducted a study that revealed that 20 minutes of art activity can add years to your life. The study found that including one art activity a month can extend your lifespan by up to 10 years. Researcher Ivy Ross ofthe John Hopkins School of Medicine’s Pedersen Brain Science Institute says that 20 minutes of art activity every dayis as beneficial as eight hours of sleep. Engaging in art activities such as dancing, sewing, joumaling, or cooking, oreven visiting an art gallery, can help you include art in your daily routine.

Art for All Ages

People often think of arts and crafts as child’s play, but people of all ages can benefit fromart.

Rediscovering the kind of art youloved when you were younger could be a great way to start.

Research publishe din the British Medical Joumal shows that engaging in activities you enjoy can havea positive impact on your physical and mental health.

Art fora Healthy Brain

Apart from physical benefits, art activities also keep the brain active and reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer’s. This is because art activities. help strengthen the neural connections of the brain. Any form of art plays an important role in engaging the senses and keeping the mind active.


Art is an essential part of our lives that we should not ignore. Engaging in art activities can bring immense benefits to our physical and mental health, such as reducing stress, improving mood, regulating emotions, and even extending our lifespan. Therefore, it is crucial to include art in our daily lives, no matter our age or skill level. So, let’s take a few minutes out of our day and create something beautiful. It might just add a few extra years to our lives!

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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