• IIT Roorkee hosted a farmer awareness session as part of the Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS) programme.
  • IIT Roorkee has launched a mobile app called ‘KISAN Advisory bulletins and weather forecasts will only be presented for the block that the farmers have selected

For farmers, the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee) has launched a mobile app called ‘KISAN.’ Farmers will be given agro-meteorological consulting services via this app.

Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa

Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa was launched by the Ministry of Earth Sciences to supply farmers with crop-specific information twice a week via print, visual, radio, and technology such as SMS. The Indian Meteorological Department, in collaboration with state agriculture universities and the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, has implemented GKMS.

More about the app

  • IIT Roorkee hosted a farmer awareness session as part of the Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS) programme. This initiative drew farmers from Dehradun, Haridwar, and Pauri Garhwal districts.
  • The Agromet Advisory Services, which are jointly offered by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and AMFU Roorkee, were explained to the farmers.
  • Farmers in six Haridwar blocks are already receiving Agromet Advisory Services twice a week. The bulletins can be accessed by mobile phone using the KISAN app
  • One unique aspect of this app is that advisory bulletins and weather forecasts will only be presented for the block that the farmers have selected.
  • Dr Khushboo Mirza, Senior Scientist, Regional Remote Sensing Centre (RRSC), National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), New Delhi, worked on the app with Dr C S Jha, an Outstanding Scientist and Chief General Manager at RRSC, NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad, under the supervision of Dr C S Jha, an Outstanding Scientist and Chief General Manager at RRSC, NRSC, ISRO, Hyderabad.
  • The AMFU (Agromet Field Unit Roorkee) of IIT Roorkee and the India Meteorological Department collaborate to provide Agrometeorological Advisory Services (IMD).

Currently, the programme serves Haridwar farmers, but in the coming months, it will expand to include farmers in the Pauri Garhwal and Dehradun regions. The app will soon cover the entire state of Uttarakhand.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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