Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on June 5 that Mahatma Gandhi used to talk about a zero-carbon lifestyle, while urging people to choose the most sustainable options in their daily lives.
Modi, who delivered the keynote address at the launch of the ‘Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE) Movement,’ called for the initiative to become a global mass movement. “Our planet is one, but our efforts must be numerous.” “Mission LiFE’ borrows from the past, operates in the present, and looks to the future,” he added.
Pro-planet people
He advocated for a lifestyle that is in tune with the planet and does not harm it, calling such people “pro-planet people.”
The launch coincided with World Environment Day, and Modi stated that our planet’s challenges are well-known, and that the need of the hour is human-centric, collective efforts, and robust actions that promote sustainable development.
Commitment to achieve 40% of installed electric capacity from non-fossil fuel-based sources
“Mahatma Gandhi advocated for a zero-carbon lifestyle. Let us choose the most sustainable options in our daily lives. Let us follow the reuse, reduce, and recycle principle. Our planet is one, but our efforts must be numerous. Many efforts, one planet “he said.
“Our commitment to achieve 40% of installed electric capacity from non-fossil fuel-based sources has been achieved, nine years ahead of schedule,” he added. “We have achieved 10% ethanol blending in petrol, five months ahead of the November 2022 target, which is a major accomplishment given that blending was barely 1.5% in 2013-14 and 5% in 2019-20.”
The Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) previously stated that the launch will kick off a “LiFE global call for papers,” inviting ideas and suggestions from academics, universities, and research institutions around the world to influence and persuade individuals, communities, and organisations to adopt an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
Modi wrote on Twitter a day ago, “Tomorrow, June 5th, is #WorldEnvironmentDay. The LiFE global movement will be launched at 6 p.m. This movement aims to promote practises that promote environmentally friendly living and development.”