WhatsApp, the popular messaging platform, has extended its verified feature to WhatsApp Business accounts in India. With this update, business accounts can now obtain a blue tick verification badge, similar to what is available on Instagram and Facebook. Let’s dive into the details.
What Is the Verified Feature?
The verified feature is a process where the company manually checks all details of an account to verify its authenticity. When an account meets all criteria, it receives a verification badge (the blue tick). This badge helps users identify genuine businesses or individuals.
How Does It Work?
- Keyword Research: The first step in creating SEO content is keyword research. Identify relevant keywords related to your niche. Use tools like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer to find winning keywords that make sense for your website.
- Match Search Intent: Google aims to serve relevant results based on search intent. When targeting a keyword, Google your target query and analyze the top-ranking pages. Align your content with the intent behind the search query. For example, if users are looking for ways to save money, create a listicle on that topic.
- Cover Everything: Provide a comprehensive description of the topic. Include subtopics and features that users expect. Look at common keywords from top-ranking pages to discover important subtopics.
Benefits of WhatsApp Business Verification:
- Authenticity: Verified accounts are trusted by users.
- Enhanced Visibility: The blue tick badge makes your business stand out.
- Improved User Experience: Users can easily identify genuine businesses.
Remember, while WhatsApp Business verification is now available in India, it’s essential to provide valuable content that aligns with user intent. By doing so, you’ll enhance your online presence and build trust with your audience.
How to get Blue Tick verification on WhatsApp Business accounts?
To get the coveted WhatsApp Business verification badge (the green tick), follow these steps:
- Sign Up with a Business Solution Provider (BSP): Connect your business with a WhatsApp Business API by partnering with a BSP. They’ll guide you through the process.
- Create a Business Manager Account: Set up a Business Manager account on Facebook.
- Provide Your Business Manager ID (BMID): Share your 16-digit BMID with the BSP.
- Authorize the BSP to Send Messages: Allow the BSP to send messages on your behalf.
- Verify Your Business Details: Ensure your business, policy, and display name are accurate.
Also Read: WhatsApp Chat Gets AI Power, How to Use It?
How To Create WhatsApp Business Account?
To avail of the blue tick on WhatsApp, users will need to have a business account, first. Creating a WhatsApp Business account is straightforward. Follow these steps:
- Download WhatsApp Business App: Install the “WhatsApp Business” app from the Google Play Store (Android) or Apple App Store (iOS).
- Register Your Mobile Number: Open the app, agree to the terms, and enter your business phone number. Verify it through SMS or call.
- Create Your Business Profile: Set up your business name, category, profile picture, and other details.
- Add Products to Your WhatsApp Profile: Create a catalog by adding product images, names, prices, and descriptions.
- Organize Orders with Labels: Use labels to manage orders efficiently.
- Set Working Hours: Specify your business hours.
- Send Automatic Replies: Configure away messages and greeting messages.