• Here are a few fast stress-relieving strategies for anyone who is frequently anxious at work or due to family strife
• Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique, Apply cold water to your wrists and many more

Your mental health should always come first, even if it means putting everything else on hold. You will not be able to function as well as you should if you are not mentally fit, and this will destroy every element of your life. Here are a few fast stress-relieving strategies for anyone who is frequently anxious at work or due to family strife.

1. Try the 4-7-8 breathing technique

This breathing technique relaxes you and aids sleep. Bring the tip of your tongue behind your upper front teeth and relax your body. Make a whooshing sound by parting your lips slightly and exhaling through your mouth. Inhale for four seconds via your nose, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds through your mouth, generating the same sound.

2. Apply cold water to your wrists and behind your ears

When you’re agitated or anxious, your body heats up. Open the tap and relax for a few minutes while holding your wrists under cool flowing water. Also, use cold water to rub the backs of your ears. Major arteries travel through these locations just beneath the surface. Cooling these places might help to relax the entire body.

3. Go for a brisk walk
Walking or jogging is a good and healthy approach to de-stress. These exercises not only relax your mind, but also help you think more clearly and perceive things from a different perspective. Any type of activity releases endorphins, which relax you and improve your mood. Shoes with strong arch support, a stable heel, and flexible soles are ideal.

4. Stretch

It’s probably time for you to admit that you need a break. Take five minutes out of your day, even if you’re in a rush to finish your work, which is probably what’s stressing you out. Stretching relieves tension and relieves soreness. Clasp your hands together and stretch them upward, palms facing outwards, over your head. Hold for a total of 10 seconds. Twist your torso on both sides while standing erect.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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