• Odisha has the highest total immunization coverage in the country, at 90.5 percent
  • Vaccination would occur in three rounds
  • With the first beginning on March 7, the second on April 4, and the third beginning on May 2, each lasting seven days

Apart from the effective COVID-19 vaccination, Odisha has the highest total immunization coverage in the country, at 90.5 percent.

What exactly does “complete immunization” entail?

The whole vaccine package includes preventive doses for 12 different diseases. Tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, diphtheria, jaundice, tetanus, whooping cough, brain fever, HIV, measles, pneumonia, diarrhea, rubella, Japanese fever, and other diseases are among the diseases.

Vaccination Campaign

The immunization push under IMI would be done in three rounds, with each round administering differing doses of several vaccines. Pregnant women who are unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated, as well as toddlers under the age of two, would be the first to be targeted.

Vaccination would occur in three rounds, with the first beginning on March 7, the second on April 4, and the third beginning on May 2, each lasting seven days. Children of migrants to surrounding towns, children born in households, brick kiln workers, nomadic tribes, urban slums, construction workers, prisoners, orphanages, tribal enclaves, and hard-to-reach locations will all be highlighted.

The vaccinations would be timed around the community’s convenience, and the vaccination camps would be easily accessible. Raising awareness and organizing people on the ground will involve community leaders, NGOs, PRI representatives, Anganwadi workers, and ASHA workers.

About the Indradhanush Mission

Mission Indradhanush is a healthcare project launched by the Indian government. On December 25, 2014, it was originally released. By 2022, this programme aims to attain 90 percent complete immunization coverage in India and maintain it.

Vaccination against Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Polio, Tetanus, severe form of Childhood Tuberculosis, Measles, and Hepatitis B, as well as pneumonia and meningitis caused by Haemophilus influenza type B, Japanese Encephalitis, and Rotavirus Diarrhea is being provided in a few states and districts across the country.

Concerning the Intensified Mission Indradhanush

In October 2017, Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) to ramp up the immunization campaign. Every child under the age of two, as well as all pregnant women who have been left out of the standard immunization programme, is hoped to be reached by the government. The special drive’s purpose was to increase immunization coverage in a few districts and cities, with the goal of obtaining 90% coverage by December 2018 rather than 2020.

Concerning the Intensified Mission 3.0 Indradhanush

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 3.0 initiative was launched to cover children and pregnant women who missed normal immunization.

Concerning the Intensified Mission 4.0 Indradhanush

The Ministry of Health recently announced Intensified Mission Indradhanush (IMI) 4.0. It will ensure that children, who are unvaccinated or only partially vaccinated, as well as pregnant women, get Routine Immunization (RI) services. This campaign will cover children up to the age of two.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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