CGPSC is the state civil service exam in which every year a large number of candidates compete to aspire to their dreams. Only a few people’s aspirations come true among these candidates. Candidates eagerly wait to find their names on the merit list. Finally, the wait of the aspirants is over. The result has been declared by the commission on 29th Oct 2021. A total of 174 candidates have been selected in the final of CGPSC-2020. Aastha Borkar has topped this year’s CGPSC examination. Whereas, total four women candidates are included in the top 10 list.

Exams held on July
This year’s CGPSC-2020 written examination was held in July. Based on the results of the main written examination, 522 candidates were chosen for the interview. Following the exam, CGPSC-2020 interviews were held between October 21st and October 29th, 2021. Regarding that, a merit list was created among them.

Top 10 merit list
1st – Aastha Borkar
2nd – Akash Shukla
3rd – Shilpa Devangan.
4th – Misha Kosle
5th – Ashutosh Kumar Devangan
6th – Nitin Tiwari
7th – Amit Srivastava
8th – Piyush Tiwari
9th – Vikas Kumar Chaudhary
10th – Aksha Gupta

Toppers Success Mantra
CGPSC-2020 topper, Aastha borkar believes one must set their goal if they want to achieve it. Earlier in the year 2019 in the PSP examination, she got selected for the post of Zilla Panchayat CEO with 125th rank. This time Aastha has jumped from 125th rank to the first position.
Connecting the dots of success, Akash shukla has secured second place in the CGPSC 2021 Exam. He believes today education has become digital, so we all have to run accordingly. It is worth noting that Akash had earlier secured the 9th position in the CGPSC examination of 2019. At the same time, he also got 427 ranks in the UPSC 2020 examination.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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