The Recruitment and Assessment Centre (RAC) has opened the application process for 630 scientist B positions in the DRDO, DST, and ADA. Graduate engineers and postgraduates in science, including students in their final year of study, can apply for the positions via the official website, rac.gov.in. The deadline for applications is July 29 at 5 p.m.
This recruitment drive is being held to fill up 630 scientist ‘B’ posts in DRDO, DST, and ADA. Out of the total vacancies, 579 vacancies are reserved for scientist ‘B’ posts in DRDO, 8 for scientist ‘B’ in DST, and 43 for scientist or engineer ‘B’ in ADA.
Eligibility Criteria for DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022
Educational Qualification: Candidates must have completed graduation with first class and must have a valid GATE score in the relevant subject.
Age limit: The upper age limit of unreserved and EWS category candidates for DRDO, DST, and ADA posts is 28, 35, and 30 years, respectively. While OBC (Non-creamy layer) applicants must not exceed the age of 31 years for DRDO posts, 38 years for DST posts, and 33 years for ADA posts. Lastly, SC and ST candidates, must not exceed the age of 33 years for DRDO posts, 40 years for DST, and 35 years for ADA.
How to apply for DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022
Step 1: Go to the official website of RAC
Step 2: Find out the link to ‘Recruitment of Scientists B in DRDO/ADA/DST (579/43/8) vacancies’
Step 3: Click on ‘apply online’ link
Step 4: Now register and log in to apply for the posts.
Step 5: Fill in the required details in the form, pay the fee and submit the form.
Step 6: Make a hard copy of the form for future use.
Application fee of DRDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022
Candidates belonging to the general, EWS, and OBC male categories will have to pay a non-refundable application fee of Rs 100. Whereas SC, ST and PwD and women candidates are exempted from paying the application fee.
Selection process of DDO Scientist B Recruitment 2022
Applicants will be selected on the basis of the GATE scores or written examination followed by a personal interview round. The final result chart (customised for individual candidates) will be published on the RAC website.