Samsung has a new idea to promote work-life balance: a mouse that runs away if you work too hard. As is clear by now, the mouse’s purpose is to promote a better work environment by requiring employees to attend office hours.
But it is still in the concept stage. Samsung Korea posted a video of the incident to its YouTube channel. A young man is seen working in the office in the video, presumably long after office hours have ended. As he works and reaches for the mouse, it flees. Samsung’s computer mouse has the appearance and functionality of a genuine mouse.
The box says Samsung Balance Mouse, but it’s unclear if that’s the name of the mouse.
According to the video, you are mistaken if you believe you can simply grab the mouse as it tries to flee. The man tries his hardest to catch the mouse, but it escapes. When he finally gets his hands on the mouse, the wheels separate and the central component ejects. The man is left with only the mouse’s upper shell, which will obviously not work on its own.
The Balance mouse was designed with the goal of improving work-life balance in Korea in mind. According to the video, most office workers are hesitant to leave early. People are constantly pressed to complete unfinished business before leaving the office. They sometimes have a lot of extra work to do. It goes on to say that the device will address the problem of overworking. The video encourages people to have fun outside of work. Finally, the young man is seen knitting while sitting near a window in his home.