Lesser known facts about radio

Even though new technologies have revolutionized communication, radio continues to thrive because of its simplicity, reliability, and ability to cross barriers. Whether it’s a person listening on a traditional device or streaming it online, this medium still holds the power to connect people and share important messages in a way no other medium can.

The role this audio plays in connecting people and communities globally is well highlighted in the history. In this article, know some of the lesser known facts of radio.

Power of Radio as a Unifying Force

Radio provided a platform for voicing the struggle for independence. It helped amplify the voices of freedom fighters, enabling them to unite people around the central goal of gaining independence. This medium broadcasts of speeches, songs, and patriotic messages were a rallying point for millions of Indians. Subhash Chandra Bose’s broadcasts from Azad Hind Radio and the messages spread by leaders like Nehru and Gandhi used this medium were pivotal in galvanizing the masses.

Founding of UN Radio in 1946

UNESCO officially declared February 13th in the year 2011, as World Radio Day. This date was chosen to honor the founding of UN Radio in1946. This has played a crucial role in promoting peace, understanding, and communication across borders since its creation.

Radio’s debut in India

Radio made its debut in India in the early 20th century, with All India Radio (AIR) launching its first broadcast in 1936. It became a vital source of entertainment, education, and national unity, and over time, stations grew in number and variety. AIR delivered first news bulletin on January 19, 1936.

By the 1940s and 1950s, this medium in India was a significant form of mass media, especially in rural areas where access to other media was limited. India’s first radio station is Akashvani.

Huge popularity of Vividh Bharti

Vividh Bharti was indeed one of the most iconic and beloved services by All India Radio (AIR), and its launch in 1957 marked a significant moment in the development of Indian broadcasting. Vividh Bharti became hugely popular for its diverse content, including music, drama, talks, and cultural programs, catering to listeners from all walks of life across the country.

Even though television and other media have emerged, the influence of Vividh Bharti is still remembered fondly by those who grew up listening to it. Many people still refer to the songs, dramas, and voices that made it special with great nostalgia.

Positive Takeaway

Despite the rise of social media and instant messaging, radio’s ability to reach vast and diverse audiences remains unmatched. Radio’s reach and popularity sends a clear message to all alongwith entertainment.

Sonal Gupta

Content Writer


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