Big Initiative! Innovative Safety Jacket by Jabalpur Engineers for Women’s Safety

In an impressive feat of engineering, three engineers from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, have developed a unique jacket designed to enhance women’s safety. This innovative jacket delivers an electric shock to anyone attempting to touch the wearer, thereby deterring potential attackers and ensuring the safety of women.

The Ingenious Minds Behind the Innovation

This remarkable creation comes from the brilliant minds of three women engineers: Riya Chiv, Aditi, and Shweta Namdev. Recognizing the increasing crimes against women and the significant challenge of ensuring personal safety for working women, especially during long-distance travel, these engineers set out to create a solution that could offer real protection. Their startup company, Jigyasa, registered at the Jabalpur Incubation Center, developed and planned this innovative jacket.

Features of the Safety Jacket

The safety jacket is designed with two primary features that work together to protect the wearer:

Electric Shock Mechanism

The entire jacket is integrated with a circuit. When a woman feels threatened, she only needs to press a button. This action activates the power supply throughout the jacket, causing it to conduct electricity. If anyone attempts to touch the jacket, they will receive a strong electric shock. This feature is intended to incapacitate the attacker momentarily, giving the woman a chance to escape from the dangerous situation.

Emergency Alert System

The second feature of the jacket is its connection to a software platform. This software links the woman’s mobile phone to the jacket, including her location and emergency contacts. In an emergency, pressing the button not only activates the electric shock mechanism but also sends alert messages to all the connected emergency numbers with the woman’s location. This dual functionality ensures that help can be on its way quickly while the attacker is incapacitated.

Real-Life Applications and Benefits

Riya, Aditi, and Shweta have shared that their primary motivation for developing this jacket was the increasing crime rate and the frequent safety challenges faced by women, particularly working women. Their innovation is aimed at providing a practical and effective solution to these issues. The jacket, which is essentially a personal bodyguard, is expected to be a game-changer in women’s safety.

Cost and Future Plans

Currently, the cost of producing one jacket is approximately 4000 INR. However, the engineers are optimistic that mass production will significantly reduce the cost, making it affordable for a broader range of women. They are continuing to work on marketing and design improvements to enhance the jacket’s appeal and functionality.

Positive Takeaway

This innovative safety jacket by the engineers from Jabalpur is a promising advancement in women’s safety. By combining technology with practical design, Riya Chiv, Aditi, and Shweta Namdev have created a product that deters attackers and ensures quick assistance in emergencies. As their startup, Jigyasa moves forward with mass production, this jacket could become an essential item for women across India, providing them with the security and peace of mind they deserve.

By addressing a critical issue with a creative solution, these young engineers have demonstrated that innovation and determination can lead to impactful changes in society. The safety jacket is a testament to their ingenuity and commitment to making the world a safer place for women.

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Rishika Choudhury

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