National solidarity day: A day to celebrate unity

Every year on the 20th of October, India observes National Solidarity Day. This is a very special day for all of us. It was the day when our northern neighbour, who was a friend to us, launched an unexpected attack on our territory, which lasted about a month and ended when China declared a ceasefire on November 21, 1962.

There was a massive loss of life and property in this war. Indians got defeated but the entire country was united and was in one voice condemning the act of China that played cowardly and attacked India. During these days, Indian people displayed a heart-warming solidarity, unity and team spirit.

In 1966, India was under the Prime Minister of Indira Gandhi. A Committee Constituting Prime Minister Indira Gandhi decided to dedicate 20th October as “National Solidarity Day” for the war remembrance, for honouring the Soldiers participated in the war and for honouring the soldier’s family who sacrificed their life in the war. After that National Solidarity Day is observed yearly to honour the Armed Forces.

It’s our duty to stand for the nation and salute and honour on this National Solidarity Day for our Soldiers who protect our country and Ourselves.

All countries may not celebrate National Solidarity Day for the same reason. Some countries will celebrate their political success and for some important political decisions. Some countries will celebrate National Solidarity day for their Military success and also honour the death of their soldiers in a particular war. The countries will change the 
theme for National Solidarity Day yearly. India celebrated for Military Purposes.

“We stand united, facing the big responsibility to change our country into a nation of justice, solidarity, humanity and green development. “- by George Papandreou

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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