- ISRO has launched a special program to impart basic knowledge on Space science.
- ‘Young Scientist Program’ is launched to provide basic knowledge on space technology for school students.
- YUVIKA-2022 aims to select 150 students from all over India.
Space technology and space science knowledge is trending amongst the youngsters. Many young stars admire to know more on space technology. For such youngsters, ISRO has launched a special program to impart basic knowledge on Space science. “Young Scientist Programme or YUva VIgyani KAryakram (YUVIKA) ” is a one-of-a kind program introduced by ISRO that enables the students to dig deep into the space technology.
YUVIKA-2022 schedule
The special program will support the youngsters in providing basic knowledge on space technology, space science and space applications to young students, especially for those from rural areas. The YUVIKA-2022 program will run for two weeks from May 16 to May 28. The schedule will include talks, experimental demonstration, facility and lab visits, experience-sharing by famous scientists, exclusive sessions for discussions with experts, practical and feedback sessions.
Objectives of YUVIKA-2022
According to the Bengaluru-based space agency, the program intends to raise awareness about emerging trends in science and technology among young people, who are the “future building blocks of our nation.” YUVIKA-2022 aims to select 150 students from all over India. These students should be from Class 11 as on March 1, 2022 in a school located within the territory of India.
YUVIKA-2022 last registration date
The registration for the special young scientist program began on March 10. The last date to apply for this program would be April 10, till 4 pm. On April 20, the announcement of provisional selection list for YUVIKA – 2022 will be released. The students who are interested and eligible for the program can apply at isro.gov.in.
Criteria to apply for YUVIKA-2022
Participants will be chosen based on a number of factors, including grades in Class 8 and participation in scientific fairs (school, district, state, and national level) organised by the school, district, state, or Central government authority in the last 3 years.
YUVIKA-2022 Center
The program is planned to be held at five ISRO centres —Space Application Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad; National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), Hyderabad and North-East Space Application Centre (NE-SAC), Shillong, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram, U R Rao Satellite Centre (URSC), Bengaluru.