• International Labour Day is observed on May 1st every year.
• Aim to draw attention towards labours.
International Labour Day is also known as International Workers Day and often termed as May Day is celebrated on 1 May of every year.
Why the day is celebrated for labours
International Labour Day is celebrated in order to make people remember the historic struggles and gains made by workers and the labour movement. The aim behind this day is to draw attention of people towards the labour in their countries and their contribution towards the development of society. The May Day or Labour Day not just honors the workers but also to take steps and measures for the betterment of their condition.
History of the labour day
In India, 1 May as a Labour Day is begun to celebrated since 1923. The first Labour Day event was organised and celebrated by Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan in Madras on May 1, 1923. Previously, the labours are forced to work for 15 hours a day but on may I 1886, the labour stood up for their rights and protested against the poor condition and unfair treatment at Haymarket Square in Chicago. They demanded 8 hours of work. They went throe police assault , bomb blast at the Haymarket Square, but on May 1, 1989 the proposal was accepted and the day is observed as International Labour Day.
How the day is celebrated
The Labour day is celebrated by giving a day off to the labours and employees in many countries including India . Some organization organise speeches and cultural events. The actual meaning of the day was gradually replaced by the modern association with the labour movement. The Soviet Union, the leaders celebrate this day, believing it would encourage workers in Europe and the United States to unite against.