• Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur launched a laptop distribution programme
• Provide free laptops to about 20,000 deserving Himachal students
At a function held at Paddal Ground in Mandi on June 8, Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur launched a laptop distribution programme under the Srinivasa Ramanujan Student Digital Scheme, which will provide free laptops to about 20,000 deserving students across the state.
A total of 83 crores has been spent on this project. On the occasion, all of the ministers attended the event in their respective districts and distributed laptops to deserving students.
Chief minister congratulated students who received laptops on the occasion
The chief minister congratulated the meritorious students who received laptops on the occasion while speaking to teachers, students, parents, and other dignitaries. He stated that the most valuable asset for any democratic society is an educated citizenry, and that students are known for their willingness to fight for all good causes because their thoughts are pure and honest.
He stated that the students’ achievement would inspire other students to achieve academic excellence and win a laptop in the future. He claimed that in the field of education, Himachal Pradesh has made unprecedented progress.
State government places a high priority on providing quality education
According to Jai Ram Thakur, the state government places a high priority on providing quality education to students, with a special emphasis on the education of female students. He claimed that in the past, people treated girls’ education casually, but that times have changed and that girls are excelling in their studies now. According to him, this has resulted in women’s empowerment.
“Students are the nation’s future, so focusing on their education is critical.” “The laptops provided by the state government to students will go a long way in assisting them in their studies,” he said, adding that the pandemic had delayed the distribution of these laptops, but that they have now been distributed to the students.
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