Try This Pranayama Breathing Technique To Stay Warm And Cozy in Winter

Winter’s chill can make staying warm a constant challenge. Breathing exercises are well-known for their revitalising properties as well as their capacity to provide warmth in cold weather. However, there’s a simple and effective solution – a breathing technique known as Warming Pranayama. Lets’s explore the benefits of this technique and how it can bring comfort and warmth during the cold months.

Discovering Warming Pranayama:

Breathing exercises are known for their rejuvenating effects and their ability to provide warmth in chilly weather. Warming Pranayama, specifically Surya Bhedana, is gaining popularity for its simplicity and powerful impact on countering the winter blues.

Understanding Surya Bhedana:

Surya Bhedana, also called “sun piercing” or “right nostril breathing,” involves inhaling through the right nostril and exhaling through the left. This ancient yogic practice is believed to boost body heat, relieve stiffness caused by the cold, cleanse nasal passages, and alleviate cough symptoms.

The Magic of Surya Bhedana:

Referred to as “magical Pranayama,” this technique is thought to increase oxygen levels in the body, providing immediate relief for those struggling with freezing hands and feet in winter. Exploring the benefits of breathwork during colder months becomes highly encouraged.

The Pingala and Ida Nadi Connection:

The right nostril, associated with the Pingala Nadi, represents solar, masculine, and aggressive energy. In contrast, the left nostril corresponds to the Ida Nadi, representing lunar, feminine, and receptive qualities. Surya Bhedana is believed to activate the sympathetic nervous system, promoting alertness, generating body heat, and boosting vitality.

How to Practice Surya Bhedana:

Sit comfortably with relaxed shoulders and a straight back. Using your right hand, control the breath path – inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left in a rhythmic pattern. This balanced energy flow is crucial for the technique’s effectiveness.

When and How to Practice (Pranayama):

Surya Bhedana is best done in the morning, aligning with the sun’s symbolism of awakening and activity. However, individual responses to pranayama techniques can vary, and the perceived warming effect should be considered within the context of overall well-being.

Considerations and Caution:

Practicing pranayama, including Surya Bhedana, should be approached intentionally and with awareness of one’s physical condition. Individuals sensitive to temperature changes or with medical concerns should consult a healthcare practitioner or an experienced yoga instructor before diving into such practices.


Staying warm in winter doesn’t always mean piling on layers. Warming Pranayama, specifically Surya Bhedana, offers a natural and holistic approach to generating internal warmth. By incorporating this simple breathing technique into your routine, you can experience the magic of warmth from within, making winter a cozier and more comfortable season.

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Rishika Choudhury

Content Writer


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