Smart Phones: Beware your smartphone can make you sick.

Smart Phones: Smartphones have become a constant part of our lives, but they also carry a hidden danger bacterium. Studies show that Smartphone can be one of the biggest sources of bacteria, even more than some common household items like toilet seats or door handles.

What is the reason behind it?

This happens because we use our phones everywhere – in the bathroom, on public transport, while eating, and even in bed. Our hands touch many dirty surfaces throughout the day, and when we touch our phones, the germs get transferred to the screen and other parts of the device.

Favourable for Bacteria 

Since we rarely clean our phones, bacteria keep building up over time. Smartphones are warm and often stay in our hands or pockets, creating a perfect environment for germs to grow. These bacteria can cause various infections, like skin problems, stomach issues, and even respiratory illnesses. The more we share or pass around our phones, the more germs we spread to others.

Keep this in Mind

To reduce the risk, it’s important to regularly clean our smartphones with disinfectant wipes and wash our hands frequently. Avoid using your phone in places where germs are common, like bathrooms or kitchens. By taking simple steps, we can keep our phones cleaner and protect ourselves from harmful bacteria.

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Rishita Diwan

Content Writer


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