• COVID-19 pandemic treaty is a proposed pact to help prepare for future pandemics
  • The European Union (EU) wants the treaty to include a prohibition on wildlife markets
  • The EU also wants the treaty to have legal force

The COVID-19 pandemic has uncovered major flaws in global health systems, and World Health Organization members are currently trying to improve their preparedness for future calamities. The COVID-19 pandemic treaty is a proposed pact to help prepare for future pandemics.

Concerning the Treaty

Its goal is to avoid future pandemics while also improving preparedness and reaction in the event of one. At a special session in December 2021, the World Health Assembly resolved to begin the worldwide process of drafting the pandemic treaty. Since its founding in 1948, it has held two special sessions.

In accordance with Article 19 of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Constitution, it adopted a decision titled “The World Together,” in which it established an international negotiation body (INB) to negotiate the text of the pandemic treaty.

The pandemic pact is intended to include provisions such as:

  • Data about the pandemic is being shared.
  • Emerging viral genome sequencing.
  • Vaccines and medications are distributed fairly over the world.

Various countries’ perspectives

The European Union (EU) wants the treaty to include a prohibition on wildlife markets. This proposal comes amid widespread speculation that the new coronavirus may have migrated from animals to people in a Wuhan, China, market.

The EU also wants the treaty to have legal force. The United States, Brazil, and India, on the other hand, have raised reservations. The treaty’s legal nature isn’t specified.

What is the WHO Constitution’s Article 19?

The World Health Assembly has the competence to approve health conventions or agreements under Article 19 of the WHO Constitution. Adoption of such conventions or accords requires a two-thirds majority vote. Under

Article 19, the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was established, and it entered into force in 2005.

Need for the Pandemic Treaty

  • The COVID-19 epidemic highlighted the world’s health-care system’s flaws.
  • During COVID-19, vaccines and medications were distributed inequitably.
  • In order to receive medication, poorer countries had to rely on developed countries.
  • Furthermore, most countries prioritized their population and stockpiled vaccines, which is ineffective in the face of a worldwide pandemic.
  • COVID-19 has claimed the lives of about 5.9 million people. So far, over 34 million cases have been reported in India, with over five lakh people dying.

Members of the World Health Organization (WHO) held the first round of negotiations for a pandemic treaty on February 24, 2022. The 76th World Health Assembly is expected to receive a progress report in 2023, and the outcome will be presented to the 77th World Health Assembly in 2024 for deliberation.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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