Scan and Verify: A solution to distinguish authentic medicines from counterfeit ones

In an era where counterfeit medicines threaten public health, a transformative solution has emerged – the power of QR code scanning. Imagine being able to determine instantly whether your medicine is authentic or fake, just by using your smartphone. Starting from August 2023, this innovation will bring transparency and security to the pharmaceutical world, benefitting countless lives.
Counterfeit medicines have posed a grave challenge, often endangering lives and eroding trust in the pharmaceutical industry. But a new dawn is upon us, promising an end to this menace through a simple, yet groundbreaking method.
By incorporating QR codes on medicine packaging, a significant shift in the way we purchase and consume medicines is underway. These QR codes will provide a gateway to comprehensive information about the medicine, ensuring its authenticity and origin.

Unveiling the QR Code System:

Starting August 2023, around 300 different medications will feature QR codes, a unique identification system that holds a wealth of information. By scanning the QR code with a smartphone, consumers will gain access to vital details ranging from the supplier of raw materials to the manufacturing company.

A Guardian of Health:

The visionary behind this transformation is the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI), who has directed pharmaceutical companies to adopt this new system. Girijesh Kumar Tripathi, a pharmaceutical entrepreneur, asserts that this initiative aims to ensure complete transparency within the pharmaceutical sector.

Empowering Consumers:

With QR codes in place, individuals will have the power to discern the authenticity of medicines before making a purchase. From common ailments to more complex health issues, medications such as Aligra, Shelkal, Kalpol, and Dolokind will come with QR codes, offering an unparalleled level of assurance.
Previously, consumers had limited means of verifying the legitimacy of medicines. Now, by scanning the QR code, a wealth of information, including batch numbers and expiration dates, will be available. This revolutionary step ensures that consumers make informed decisions about their health.

Promoting Affordable Healthcare:

Beyond authenticity, this initiative supports the government’s push for affordable healthcare. Generic medicines, which are often available at lower prices, will be made accessible through government-run Jan Aushadhi Kendras, promoting transparency and affordable options for all.
In a world where health is paramount, the introduction of QR codes on medicines marks a turning point in securing authenticity and transparency in the pharmaceutical sector. This step forward not only safeguards lives but also paves the way for a future where healthcare decisions are rooted in accurate information.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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