Aarogya Maitri Cube: India innovates world’s first Portable Disaster Hospital

In a groundbreaking development, India has introduced the ‘Aarogya Maitri Cube,’ the world’s first portable disaster hospital, designed to sustain 200 survivors for 48 hours. This revolutionary creation, conceived under the ‘Bharat Health Initiative for Sahyog Hita and Maitri’ (BHISHM), is a testament to India’s commitment to humanitarian aid and disaster relief.

Each Aarogya Maitri Cube comprises an operation theatre, mini-ICU, ventilator, blood test equipment, X-ray machine, cooking station, food, water, shelter, power generator, and more, all compactly packed into 72 cubes. These cubes, ingeniously designed for flexibility, are an innovative approach to disaster response.

Modular Design for Rapid Deployment

The ‘Aarogya Maitri Cube’ is composed of three frames, with each accommodating 12 mini-cubes. These cubes can handle various severe injuries, from bullet wounds to spinal fractures, providing critical medical support in the most challenging circumstances.

Inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision, this initiative came to life in February last year. A dedicated task force under the Ministry of Defence was instrumental in bringing this project to fruition. PM Modi’s commitment to global health was further highlighted when he announced the ‘Aarogya Maitri’ project, aimed at aiding developing countries during natural disasters and humanitarian crises.

Adaptable to Diverse Scenarios

The contents of the cubes can be tailored to specific needs, whether it’s responding to natural disasters, war zones, epidemics, or challenging terrains. The tablet-based application included in each kit ensures ease of use and efficient operation, even by individuals with limited medical expertise.

An Affordable Marvel

One of the most remarkable aspects of the ‘Aarogya Maitri Cube’ is its affordability. Costing less than Rs 2.5 crore for 72 cube boxes, this wholly Made-in-India product embodies cost-effectiveness without compromising on quality.

A Global Beacon of Hope

India has already donated ‘Aarogya Maitri Cubes’ to Myanmar as a goodwill gesture, with plans to provide support to Sri Lanka. This initiative demonstrates India’s commitment to being a global leader in disaster response and humanitarian aid.

The ‘Aarogya Maitri Cube‘ is set to transform disaster relief efforts worldwide, offering a beacon of hope and rapid response when it matters most. With its versatility, affordability, and commitment to saving lives, it stands as a testament to India’s dedication to making the world a safer place in times of crisis.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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