To increase the accessibility of commonly used medicines like paracetamol, diclofenuc, nasal decongestant and anti- allergic, the government to allow sale of 16 such medicines as over-the-counter (OTC) products that can be sold without doctor’s prescription.
Notification issued for proposing changes to drug rules
The Health Minister has issued a notification proposing changes to Drugs Rules, 1945, to bring these under Schedule K of the law, allowing the “drugs to be sold OTC by retail under valid licence”.
Other medicines included among 16
The other medicines can be sold without prescription are antiseptic and disinfectant agent, Chlorohexidine mouth wash used for treatment of gingivitis, Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide Lozenges for cough, anti-bacterial acne formulation, anti-fungal creams, nasal decongestants, an analgesic cream formulation and anti-allergy capsules.
Legal sanctity will be given to sale of medicines
While the proposed changes will give legal sanctity to sale of medicines that aren’t toxic without prescription, it will also ease their accessibility.
OTC sales will be allowed with certain conditions. For instance, the maximum duration of treatment or use shouldn’t exceed five days and that if the symptoms don’t resolve, the patient should consult doctor.
The ministry has sought comments from stakeholders within a month.