Prime Minister Narendra Modi, interacted with students, teachers, and parents at the 5th edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC) at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi. Before the interaction, he reviewed the student exhibits on display at the venue. Throughout the conversation, the Prime Minister kept an engaging, cheerful, and conversational tone.

The Department of School Education and Literacy of the Education Ministry has been organizing Pariksha Pe Charcha for the past four years. Last year’s fourth edition was held online on April 7th.

PPC 2022: Sometimes Take Your Own Test

PM Modi has encouraged students that they should sometimes take their own exams, brainstorm on their preparations, and make practice repeating, as this will offer them a fresh perspective. When you engage with things with an open mind and never let disappointment knock on your door, it’s easy to create experience-absorbing repeats.

PPC 2022: Not to impose unfulfilled desires and ambitions on children

PM Modi recommended that students treat examinations like festivals. He also advised parents and teachers not to impose their unfulfilled desires and ambitions on their children.
“I strongly encourage parents to learn about their children’s interests and to assist them in identifying their abilities,” he stated.

PPC 2022: Students have been exposed to online learning

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, students have been exposed to online learning. Technology, according to Modi, is not a bad thing and should be used wisely. PM Modi said, “Students should introspect themselves while studying online, whether they study or spend time watching reels on social media.”

PPC 2022: No life without competition

PM Modi asked the students what life is about if there isn’t any competition? He stated that competition should be encouraged. It is a more effective means of progressing in life. He further said you are part of the lucky generation that has more competition and opportunity than previous generations. This opportunity was not available earlier.

PPC 2022: Treat sons and daughters equally

Modi asked society to respect sons and daughters equally and provide them with equal opportunities. He believes that a society that does not prioritize the education of girls would never flourish.
“Girls have evolved into a valuable asset and source of strength for every family. The more change that occurs, the better “he stated

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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