Inspirational story: Stopped Her Child Marriage, Became 12th Topper

Inspirational story: In a society where child marriage persists as a regressive practice, there stands a courageous young girl who defied all odds. Her name is Nirmala, and her journey from battling poverty and societal norms to becoming the top scorer in the Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Board’s 12th-grade examination is nothing short of Inspirational story.

The Struggle Against Tradition and Financial Hardship

Nirmala’s parents were extremely poor, struggling to make ends meet. They lacked the means to fund her education. Despite their financial constraints, they pressured her to accept an early marriage. Her three sisters had already been married off, and her parents hoped to lighten their burden by marrying her as well. But Nirmala refused to give in.

A Determined Journey to Education

Undeterred by the pressure, Nirmala embarked on a journey to pursue her dreams. She walked several kilometers to reach the nearest junior college. There were no junior colleges in her village or nearby areas, but she persisted. Her parents couldn’t afford her education expenses, so she took up coaching classes to cover the costs.

Academic Excellence Against All Odds

Nirmala’s hard work paid off. In the first-year intermediate board exams, she secured an impressive 95.7% score. Her determination and resilience were evident as she outshone her peers. Her journey from a small village in Andhra Pradesh to academic excellence serves as a testament to the power of education and unwavering resolve.

A Beacon of Hope for Girls Everywhere

Nirmala’s story resonates with countless girls facing similar challenges. She stood firm against child marriage, defying societal norms and parental pressure. Her dream now is to become an IPS officer, advocating against child marriage and empowering young girls to fulfill their aspirations.

Acknowledging the Role of Advocacy and Support

Local legislator Sai Prasad played a crucial role in Nirmala’s fight against child marriage. When her parents insisted on marrying her off, Nirmala sought help from Sai Prasad. His intervention prevented her early marriage, and she gained admission to the Kasturba Gandhi School with the district administration’s support.


Nirmala’s journey from potential child bride to academic topper is a beacon of hope for girls everywhere. Her courage, determination, and unwavering spirit remind us that education can break barriers and transform lives. Let us celebrate Nirmala’s triumph and continue supporting young girls in their pursuit of education and dreams.

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Rishika Choudhury

Content Writer

CATEGORIES Business Agriculture Technology Environment Health Education
Rishita Diwan – Chief editor

Rishika Choudhury – Editor


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