The Delhi government schools, according to the Directorate of Education (DoE), have implemented a Student Advisory Board (SAB) to increase student participation in various leadership roles. By designing, managing, and executing various school activities, this Student Advisory Board will serve as the students’ voice and contribute to the development of a sense of ownership among the students.
The programme has begun in 20 shortlisted schools, and two students from each section in grades 7, 8, 9, and 11 will be chosen to serve on the SAB.
Furthermore, all elected members of the SAM will serve on one or more subcommittees, as determined by the ‘teacher coordinators’ and the heads of the schools.
According to the DoE, two teachers (one TGT and one PGT) from a school will be designated as teacher coordinators, who will be nominated by the school’s principal. They will participate in SAB formation and execution trainings and provide regular feedback on the pilot project.