Bills Introduced in Lok Sabha to Revise ST Lists in Four States

Four separate bills were introduced in Lok Sabha to revise the Scheduled Tribes lists in four states. Arjun Munda, Union Minister for Tribal Affairs, introduced Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Amendment) Bills for Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Himachal Pradesh.

New Bills Introduced

The Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Second Amendment) Bill seeks to change the list of Tamil Nadu’s Scheduled Tribes. Similarly, the Constitution (Scheduled Tribes) Order (Third Amendment) Bill seeks to include certain communities on the list of Himachal Pradesh’s Scheduled Tribes.

Wrapping Up

Another bill would change the list of Karnataka’s Scheduled Tribes. The fourth bill seeks to add certain communities to Chhattisgarh’s list of Scheduled Tribes. The government introduces such bills from time to time to give effect to changes proposed by various states in relation to the ST list.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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