Social Justice and its significance

What is social justice?
A concept or theory where it’s believed that everyone must have equal opportunities, wealth, and social privileges. We live in a society where no one is similar to other everyone are different in their own aspects here we are not talking about the similarities in knowledge habits or any interpersonal skills we are speaking about the social qualities and opportunities living in a society that is part of a sovereign nation there are certain things which everyone has an access to like education, health facilities, transportation, right to vote, the opportunity to work and many more and when all the above-mentioned quantities are available to every citizen in society is simply considered as social justice in simple terms.

History and Evolution of Social Justice

The concept of social justice first emerged during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, when efforts were made to promote more egalitarian societies and lessen the exploitation of certain marginalized groups as a result of the wide gap between the rich and poor at the time. Due to the extreme levels of inequality and economic distress that were prevalent at the time, as a result of the European social class structure, issues such as the distribution of capital, property, and wealth were the primary focus of social justice at the outset.

Today, social justice places a greater emphasis on human rights and enhancing the lives of marginalized and disadvantaged groups that have historically been discriminated against in society. Discrimination based on sex, age, wealth, ethnicity, heritage, social status, religion, and other factors has affected many of these groups. Attempts to redistribute wealth by providing support and opportunities for income, employment, and education frequently result from social justice.

Five Principles of Social Justice:

There are five fundamental principles of social justice that are essential to gaining a deeper comprehension of the concept. Access to resources, equity, participation, diversity, and human rights are specifically mentioned.

1. Access to Resources Access to resources refers to the extent to which different socioeconomic groups have equal access to resources in order to provide everyone with an equal start in life. This social justice fundamental is crucial.Healthcare, food, shelter, education, and opportunities for recreation are just a few of the many resources and services that citizens of many societies can take advantage of. However, access to these services is frequently uneven.

For instance, people who come from wealthy families in the upper and upper-middle classes often have a better chance of being able to pay for good schools and postsecondary education, which increases their chances of finding higher-paying jobs in the future. The lower classes, on the other hand, have fewer opportunities. It, in turn, restricts future generations’ access to education and perpetuates the cycle of disadvantage.

2. Equity is the process by which individuals are provided with tools tailored to their requirements and socioeconomic status in order to achieve comparable outcomes. In contrast, equality provides everyone with the same resources to achieve the same goal.

As a result, due to the more complex requirements of some individuals and groups, even things that are equal frequently do not reflect fairness. Promoting policies that assist in overcoming systemic barriers may be part of social justice, which can be integrated with the treatment of equity issues.

3. Participation is the process by which every member of society is given the opportunity to express their opinions and concerns, as well as the opportunity to participate in any decision-making that has an impact on their standard of living and livelihood. When a small group of people makes decisions for a large group while others are unable to speak up, this is social injustice.

4. Diversity Policymakers are frequently better able to create policies that take into account differences that exist between various societal groups, so it is especially important to understand diversity and appreciate the value of cultural differences. Policymakers and public servants will be in a better position to expand opportunities for marginalized or disadvantaged groups if they take into account the inequities and acknowledge that some groups face greater barriers in society.

Employment discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, sex, age, and other characteristics is a constant problem in society. One way to take diversity into account is to enforce policies that stop discriminatory practices.

5. Human Rights Human rights are a fundamental part of social justice and one of its most important principles. Human rights and social justice go hand in hand; one cannot exist without the other.

Human rights are essential to societies that uphold individuals’ civil, economic, political, cultural, and legal rights. If governments, organizations, or individuals fail to uphold 
these rights, they must be held accountable. They are recognized internationally by organizations like the United Nations Human Rights Council and the International Criminal Court because they play a significant role in numerous societies.

What is Word day of social Justice?

An international holiday known as “World Day of Social Justice” or “Social Justice Equality Day” celebrates the importance of promoting social justice, which includes addressing issues like poverty, exclusion, gender inequality, unemployment, human rights, and social protections. Statements on the significance of social justice for individuals are made by a number of organizations, including the United Nations, the American Library Association (ALA), and the International Labor Organization. 

Additionally, numerous organizations present strategies for addressing unemployment, poverty, and social and economic exclusion to achieve greater social justice. 

Beginning in 2009, the World Day of Social Justice will be observed annually on February 20. This decision was made by the United Nations General Assembly and was approved on November 26, 2007. The Declaration aims to ensure fair outcomes for all through employment, social protection, social dialogue, and fundamental principles and rights.

Social Justice and the role of Government

The actual implementation of social justice policies is frequently left to administrators, such as the government, non-profit organizations, foundations, or agencies within the bureaucracy, despite the fact that activists and advocates have a significant impact on the widespread emphasis placed on social justice in the world today. Political factors influence the extent to which social justice plays a role in the policies that are shaped by the government and administrators of the day because such organizations are in charge of establishing governmental regulations to solve social justice challenges.

Social justice initiatives can be pursued through wealth and income redistribution, government subsidies, protected legal status in employment, and even legalized 
discrimination against privileged groups through fines, taxes, or purges. In socialist and communist nations, social justice initiatives are frequently incorporated into economic policies and the platforms of left-leaning political parties in democracies.

Finally, celebrating one day a year and wishing for social justice never works.As everything to achieve social justice all around the world.Every citizen in every nation must respect and follow the laws and regulations implemented by the nations.Any problem can be solved and any goal can be achieved when everyone works together for the cause to bring a change, it is a very known fact that to clap two hands must join and in the same way everyone must join to bring social justice to each and every person living on this planet.And for this years Social Justice Day let us start implementing our collective for the betterment of nations in larger level.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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