Lots of people are health conscious in 2022. Ever since the pandemic enter most of our lives and practically forced us to live indoors for months on end most of us started to feel a certain responsibility of losing weight. Those who couldn’t work out within the confines of their home instead looked to the alternative of following a strict weight loss diet and found themselves consuming multiple cups of green tea every week. But does consuming green tea help you become leaner and does its overconsumption has any side effects? Let’s have a look
The benefits of green tea and its side effects
Green tea is the type of health drink all of us have heard about through one source or the other. Many in our known day-to-day life circle that consume Green tea say that it feels refreshing on consumption and the claims aren’t farfetched by any means.
Green tea and black tea are both considered a better alternative to coffee by those who seek to avoid overconsumption of caffeine and among the two types of tea, green tea works a lot better on the human body.
Black tea is prepared by fermentation and oxidation of tea leaves whereas green tea is a more natural alternative. There are slight differences between both teas in terms of their effects on the human body but the reason Green tea is so popular among people is that it is sold as a weight loss drink, unfortunately, this assumption isn’t entirely
Green tea contains antioxidants that adequate for human health. But the one antioxidant that immensely assists with weight loss in our bodies is something called EGCG.
EGCG consumption is connected to rise in the function of catecholamines within our bodies. They are a type of hormone that is primarily linked to fat loss and this is exactly why most of us have heard this claim that green tea makes you lose weight quickly.
Studies conducted using EGCG as a fat loss substance showed that people need to consume anywhere between 300 to 400 mg per day to see any weight loss-related benefit from it.
For context, a single Green tea cup contains approximately 60 mg meaning that one would need to consume close to a dozen of green tea to witness weight loss in any capacity.
Since green tea contains a substantial amount of caffeine, consuming 10 cups of green tea a day can distinctly affect your sleep cycle which isn’t an encouraging thought.
Also, multiple new studies have revealed that overconsumption of green tea extracts can lead to liver damage.
Overall, green tea has its benefits without a doubt. It has high antioxidants, contains anti-inflammatory properties, and protects against overweight, type II diabetes, and even cancer to some extent. But it also lives up to the good old saying, too much of anything is good for nothing. It is recommended by multiple nutritionists for weekly consumption and not more than 3 cups for daily consumption as its addiction can increase sleeplessness and anxiety issues.