The State of Kerala is preparing to launch the “Made-in-Kerala” brand for its distinctive goods produced in the state.
According to state Industries Minister P Rajeev, the goal is to certify the quality of the State’s goods and assist them in finding markets on a national and international scale.
He added that a state-developed e-commerce platform would be created to support businesses and that a conversation is currently in its final stages. A Kerala brand system is currently being established to certify the quality of goods produced in the State and help them find markets on a national and worldwide scale. The Kerala brand of goods has already attracted attention on a global scale.”
Suggested trademark
He pointed out that the suggested trademark would read “Made in Kerala, safe to consume, and certified by the Government of Kerala” if it were a food item.
During the Question and Answer period, the minister said, “Then, it will acquire a value-addition in the market.” With the assistance of the Open Network for Digital Commerce (ONDC), efforts are being made to create an Open Network Platform for the selling of goods produced by Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).
He announced the development of a geo-marketing portal to support and promote goods bearing the Geographical Indication (GI) tag. The “Entrepreneurship Year” of 2022, which is being observed, would see the launch of one lakh MSMEs across the State.
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and the Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation (KSIDC), the government’s industrial promotion arm, are working together to make the project a huge success. In the current exercise, it is likely to duplicate the success obtained in branding Kerala tourism worldwide. Kerala’s tourism branding, carried out by the tourism department in close collaboration with businesses working on tourism initiatives, has been a great success. Due to a significant branding effort, the attention of the global community and travel agencies may be drawn.
According to KSIDC managing director Aruna Sundararajan, the study has discovered about 15 goods. According to her, the goal is to advertise high-quality goods produced in public and private sectors to the general population. An exercise in branding that strictly adheres to quality standards could go a long way toward establishing the product’s dependability factor with customers, thus benefiting the producers and the State as a whole.
Encouraging environmentally friendly
The KSIDC is committed to encouraging environmentally friendly methods and to making sure that the products are produced in the least harmful manner possible; the assistance of experts will be enlisted.
Although the branding initiative favours the production and export of different items, the authorities must be much more watchful of food products leaving the State.
There have been cases where food products with pesticide content beyond acceptable levels have been rejected. Even if efforts are being made to create a reliable brand, such incidents could damage the reputation of the State’s products. At a seminar hosted by the CII in this city, speakers emphasized the importance of creating “Made in
Kerala” brand items to support and grow the State’s service and indigenous industries.
Industries secretary Alkesh Kumar Sharma said there is a need to advertise the brand, whether it comes from the food, tourism, or any other industry, in his opening remarks at a conference titled “Made in Kerala 2012”. According to him, the brand should represent quality, goodness, and purity.
According to Sharma, the State of Kerala is home to unusual minerals, such as ilmenite. T T Ashok, Chairman of CII Southern Region and Managing Director of Taylor Rubber Private Ltd., stated in his unique presentation that the State’s scenic beauty, backwaters, hills, plantations, and culture are distinctive.
Kerala ought to consider premium goods. Can the State consider creating a financial hub modeled after Singapore? Another possibility is promoting traditional crafts and artists, “added Ashok.
According to him, the government must use the highly successful Colombian coffee for advertising its brand of “Kerala Tea.”
He claimed that Kerala is considering building metros and monorails to expand. “Fast trains are needed to connect cities since the State’s roadways are congested. Ashok stated that it is also crucial to have better air connectivity to Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.