Agri-startup Fasal sign MoU with IMD for research in weather forecast models

Agri-startup firm Fasal on May 24 said it has signed a Memorandom Of Understandings with India Meteorological Department (IMD) for research collaboration on weather forecast models to make farming climate-smart.

Work on exchange of hourly short range models

As per agreement, Fasal and IMD will work closely on exchange of hourly short range models for rainfall probability, rainfall amount , temperature, and humidity using historic Internet of Things(IoT) data and hourly forcaste data, as well as precipitation nowcasting models.

Regions in purview

The regions that are in the purview of this agreement include: five districts in Maharastra, one district in Telangana and two districts in Andhra Pradesh. Weather plays an important role in agricultural production, accurate prediction of weather can significantly help with increasing crop growth and yield, controlling pests, water and fertilizer need.

Most of the weather forecast services available to farmers provide predictions for large areas. To change this, Fasal will leverage its award-winning IoT and Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered technology to develop precipitation nowcasting (forecasting for a very short-term period of up to 2 hours) along with the IMD.

Through this research collaboration, Indian farming can be resistant to day to day weather conditions.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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