IAF ranks 3rd in On World Air Power Index; Overtakes Chinese, French and Israeli Air Force


  • IAF became 3rd powerful air force in world
  • WDMMA uses a formula includes values related to the total fighting strength of the various air services.
  • The Global Air Powers Ranking (2022) report has given the highest TvR score to the USAF
The Indian Air Force (IAF) has been placed at the third position on World Air Power Index in terms of the total fighting strength of the various air services of different nations of the world.
The World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft (WDMMA) published the Global Air Powers Ranking of 2022, according to which, IAF has been placed above Chinese Air Force ,Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF), Israeli Air Force and French Air and Space Force.

World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft (WDMMA)

The World Directory of Modern Military Aircraft (WDMMA) evaluates by taking many factors and presents a comprehensive report describing the present strengths and inherent weaknesses of modern military air services worldwide. It provides information through an in-depth resource that gives people a visual, unique and analytical insight into a primary aspect of modern warfare and control of the skies. Currently, the WDMMA tracks 98 countries, covering 124 air services and following a total of 47,840 aircraft.

How Does WDMMA Prepare Its Report?

While preparing its annual ranking on the current military air services across the globe, the WDMMA uses a formula that considers values related to the overall fighting strength of the air services of various countries. The formula produces the ‘TrueValueRating’ (TvR), which helps WDMMA separate each power based on the overall strength and factors like modernisation, logistical support, attack and defence capabilities.
A nation’s military air power is analysed based not only on its total quantity of aircraft but also on its quality and a broad mix of inventory. However, the WDMMA points out that the TvR is a work-in-progress and is constantly updated as per the requirement.
Importance is given to those categories which are usually overlooked by some powers, like special-mission, CAS, dedicated bomber force, training and on-order units. Also, it focuses on local aero-industry capabilities, inventory balance and force experience.

Highest TvR score to the United States Air Force (USAF)

The Global Air Powers Ranking (2022) report has given the highest TvR score to the United States Air Force (USAF). It comprises a broad mix of aircraft types and many products are locally sourced from the massive industrial base of the country. In addition, it maintains dedicated strategic-level bombers, a sizeable helo, CAS aircraft, fighter force and hundreds of transport aircraft and the USAF will be reinforced in the coming days with hundreds of units still on order. The report says that the Indian Air Force (IAF) currently counts 1,645 total units in its active aircraft inventory.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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