Computer Science courses at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras are now opens to the general public. A portal featuring the fundamental courses has been built, according to a news release published by the institute on Wednesday, and may be accessible by Educational Institutions, students, and anyone else who wants to.
Courses are available on the portal nsm.iitm.ac.incse/
Programming, Data Structures, Computer Organization, and Algorithms are among the Computer Science courses available on the portal nsm.iitm.ac.incse/. YouTube recordings of live lectures given to students at IIT Madras during the covid-19 epidemic are available in these courses.
Portal would be used to improve the quality of CSE core topic teaching and learning in Indian engineering colleges
“The recordings of live lectures for CSE core courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, by the faculty of the Department, are expected to be helpful to students in Engineering Colleges to learn the underlying concepts and principles of the subjects of these courses in the right manner,” said LProf. C. Chandra Sekhar, Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), IIT Madras.
It would also benefit Engineering College faculty to learn how to successfully teach vital and fundamental courses in Computer Science and Engineering, as well as how to equip students with problem-solving skills.” It is intended that the portal would be used to improve the quality of CSE core topic teaching and learning in Indian engineering colleges.” Sekhar continued.
“The portal has been built to serve students who could not study at IIT Madras, especially those from remote and rural areas of the country,” stated Dr. Rupesh Nasre, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Madras. They’ll have access to the same curriculum as the institute’s students. This programme will ensure that all kids have access to high-quality materials.”