Mango season has arrived, and people are storing up on their favourite fruit to try out new recipes and savour its rich flavour.However, you may have noticed that soaking mangoes in water before eating them is a standard technique to remove dirt and pesticides used on fieEating .This is only one of the causes for this.
Here are a few additional reasons why soaking mangoes in water before eating them is a good idea:
Phytic acid elimination:
Phytic acid is one of those nutrients that has both positive and negative health effects.
Phytic acid is an anti-nutrient that prevents the body from absorbing certain minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium, and other minerals, causing mineral deficiencies.
Mangoes, according to nutritionists, contain phytic acid, a natural chemical found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and even nuts.
When mangoes are soaked in water for a few hours, the excess phytic acid that causes heat in the body is removed.
Keeping illnesses at bay:
The technique also aids in the prevention of a variety of skin problems such as acne and pimples, as well as other health problems such as headaches, constipation, and other gut-related concerns.
“By soaking fruits in water, the heat principle is removed. This procedure is followed to avoid side effects like as diarrhoea and skin problems such as acne, according to Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, an Ayurveda expert.
Chemical free mangoes
Pesticides and insecticides, which are used to protect crops, are harmful and can cause a variety of adverse effects in the body, including respiratory tract irritation, allergic sensitisation, headache, eye and skin irritation, nausea, and so on. It also eliminates the phytic acid-containing milky fluid from its stem by soaking.
Keeping the temperature down
Mangoes also cause thermogenesis, which is the process of raising the body’s temperature. As a result, soaking mangoes in water for a few minutes can help reduce their thermogenic properties.
Getting rid of fat:
Phytochemicals abound in mangoes.
As a result of the soaking, their concentration is reduced, allowing them to serve as “natural fat busters.”