New Green Revolution: How start-ups turning agriculture into organised sector in India

India is an agricultural country, with over 50% of its population employed in the sector.

However, Indian agriculture is largely unorganized, with small farmers accounting for a majority of the production.

This has led to a number of challenges, including low productivity, poor market access, and lack of financial support.

In recent years, a number of start-ups have emerged in India to address these challenges and transform the agricultural sector.

These start-ups are using technology, innovation, and data to make agriculture more efficient, productive, and profitable.

How start-ups are transforming agriculture in India

Start-ups are transforming agriculture in India in a number of ways. For example, they are:

Using technology to improve farm productivity. Start-ups are developing and deploying a variety of technologies, such as precision agriculture, sensors, and drones, to help farmers improve their productivity and yields.

Providing farmers with access to finance and markets. Start-ups are providing farmers with access to affordable loans and credit, as well as helping them to connect with buyers and sell their produce at better prices.

Educating farmers about best practices. Start-ups are providing farmers with training and education on best practices in agriculture, such as crop management, pest control, and water conservation.

Benefits of an organized agricultural sector

An organized agricultural sector has a number of benefits, including:

Increased productivity and yields. Organized agriculture can help to increase productivity and yields by providing farmers with access to better inputs, technology, and markets.

Improved incomes for farmers. Organized agriculture can help to improve farmers’ incomes by providing them with better access to finance and markets, as well as by helping them to reduce their costs.

Reduced food waste. Organized agriculture can help to reduce food waste by improving the supply chain and by connecting farmers with buyers who need their produce.

Increased investment in agriculture. An organized agricultural sector is more attractive to investors, which can lead to increased investment in the sector.

Start-ups are playing a vital role in transforming the agricultural sector in India.

By using technology, innovation, and data, start-ups are helping to make agriculture more efficient, productive, and profitable. This is leading to a number of benefits, including increased productivity, improved incomes for farmers, reduced food waste, and increased investment in agriculture.

The New Green Revolution in India is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to revolutionize the agricultural sector and improve the lives of millions of farmers.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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