Madhya Pradesh emerges as ‘Food Basket of India’

Madhya Pradesh has emerged as a proud recipient of the Agricultural Excellence Award for an astounding seven times. The state’s contribution of 47% to its GDP from agriculture showcases its prime focus on farming. Fondly known as the ‘Food Basket of India,’ Madhya Pradesh under CM Chouhan’s guidance, has been motivating farmers to diversify beyond traditional practices.

Celebrated for being the country’s largest producer of oranges, spices, garlic, ginger, chickpeas, and pulses, Madhya Pradesh stands as a true agricultural powerhouse. The state also leads in organic farming, excelling in soybean, wheat, maize, citrus fruits, onions, and floriculture. Its substantial production of sesame, horticulture, chillies, fragrant crops, medicinal plants, and milk adds to its agricultural grandeur.

Transforming the Agri-Food Landscape Through Innovations

Madhya Pradesh CM’s unwavering commitment to uplift farmers has led to groundbreaking innovations. His leadership has prompted initiatives such as Mega Food Parks, Agriculture Clusters, Integrated Cold Chains, and Value Addition Infrastructure, enhancing the state’s food processing and conservation capacities. Madhya Pradesh is relentlessly expanding its agriculture, food, and dairy processing sectors.

Empowering Dairy and Agripreneurs

CM Chouhan’s focus on economic empowerment is visible through his novel approaches. Initiatives like PM Formalization of Micro Food Processing Enterprises, support for Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) are addressing challenges faced by small-scale food processors. The state’s cooperative societies facilitate micro-enterprises to access essential services, contributing significantly to the agri-food sector.

Attracting Investments and Enhancing Processing

Recent policies have attracted prominent companies like Cadbury, ITC, and Unilever, fostering a favourable environment for investment. This move has led to heightened food processing capacities and increased value addition. The encouragement provided by the state, with incentives 1.5 times those offered to other sectors, further elevates the importance of food processing.

Dairy Success Story in Madhya Pradesh

Ranked third in India’s largest dairy-producing states, Madhya Pradesh contributes 8.6% to the nation’s total milk production. This number is consistently rising due to strategic efforts. The state’s cooperative dairy federation, MP Dairy Federation (MPDF), alone procured an average of 9.13 lakh kilograms of milk. With top players like Amul, MPDF, Anik Industries, and Pawanshree Food International, dairy processing continues to thrive.

The impressive growth continues, with Madhya Pradesh’s total milk production reaching around 17.1 million tons in the year 2020-2021. Leading dairy companies like Amul, MPDF, Anik Industries, and Pawanshree Food International play a vital role in shaping the dairy sector. The state’s dairy success is a testament to the visionary leadership and commitment to agricultural excellence.

By effectively combining traditional farming practices with innovative agricultural initiatives, Madhya Pradesh emerges as a shining example of agricultural success and transformation in the Indian landscape.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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