The agriculture department in Jharkhand is currently developing an action plan to address the drought’s potential risks during the current Kharif season. Farmers will be able to register for the Jharkhand Rajya Fasal Rahat Yojana (JRFRY), which will provide financial assistance, beginning on 22 July.
According to agriculture minister Badal Patralekh’s statement on July 21, the administration has been asked to establish district and block-level panels to assess the actual situation of paddy coverage in relation to rainfall.
“Rainfall is 50% less than usual,” said Paralekh. “Paddy could be planted on less than 10% of the 18 lakh hectares.” To provide financial assistance to farmers, we will begin registering them under the JRFRY on July 22. All districts have been asked to develop backup plans, alternative road maps, and advocate for drought-tolerant crops.”
Fiscal compensation given to farmers
Farmers will receive a maximum fiscal compensation of Rs 20,000 on up to five acres of land in the event of crop loss due to weather irregularities under JRFRY. To gain access, farmers must first register at jrfry.jharkhand.gov.in.
A farmer will receive Rs 3000 per acre from the state coffers for a crop loss of 30 to 50%, and Rs 4000 per acre if the crop loss exceeds 50%. “We will only compensate farmers for up to five acres.” We will launch a special effort to enroll farmers through 20,000 common service centres and camps across the state, according to the official.
He also said that before approaching the Center to declare a drought, they would wait another 10 days. On July 28, he scheduled a meeting with expert agencies.
Also Read: Jharkhand govt. intends to complete 1lakh small irrigation, water harvesting schemes in FY23