The havoc of plastic pollution is increasing in the world. Due to this, scientists have created a robot fish to clean microplastic in the sea. It is capable of lifting plastic pieces from one place to another by floating in water.
What is microplastic?
Microplastics are pieces of plastic 5 millimeters or smaller. They are so small that it is difficult to see them with the naked eye without a magnifying glass. Scientists are trying to reduce the effect of these particles. They are present in places such as water, food items and the surface of the land. Through them they reach the body.
How does Robot Fish work?
Robofish is only 13 mm long. Its tail has a laser light system, with the help of which it floats and moves about 30 millimeters in a second. According to the report, researchers have used such a material to make the robot, due to which this fish has become very flexible.
Robofish can lift up to 5 kg of plastic at a time. Along with this, it absorbs those floating pieces of microplastic, which contain organic dyes, anti-biotics and heavy metals. These things react with the material of the fish.
Robofish can heal its own wound
The robo fish is capable of self-healing, that is, healing its own wounds. With the help of the material used to make it, it automatically recovers up to 89% when it is damaged. Robots are often prone to malfunction in ocean environments.
Millions of metric tons of plastic present in the sea
It is estimated that 5 million to 13 million metric tons of plastic pollution is increasing in the ocean every year. It ranges from plastic debris to microplastics. According to scientists from Japan’s Kyushu University, by October 2021, there are about 2.4 trillion pieces of microplastic in the ocean. It is dangerous for everyone, from insects to humans.