Want to Build Your Child’s Confidence? Here’s how

Parenting children entails a unique set of rules and responsibilities. Shaping a young child’s life, loving and respecting them, and caring for them is no easy task. Along with these factors, children differ greatly from one another. While some appear to have an outgoing personality and speak to people easily, others are more reserved and have difficulty socialising. According to research, a child’s temperament is determined by his or her “style” or “personality.”

The same was stated in a study titled Developmental Stages of Social Emotional Development in Children. It stated that temperament differences are one of the primary reasons why a child is either confident, extroverted, chirpy, and outgoing or introverted, quiet, and socially inept. As a result, how can you ensure that your child is also confident? Here are a few pointers to get you started. Continue reading.

Unconditionally love your children – Young minds are impressionable, and they tend to remember things for a long time. Try not to yell or scold your children excessively, as this can have a negative impact on their self-esteem, making them less confident.

Appreciate your kids – Children respond well to appreciation and compliments since it is a form of positive reinforcement. Reward your child for small achievements and keep telling them how proud you are of their efforts. However, that doesn’t mean that you’ll not punish them at all for bad behavior.

Encourage them to be persistent for success – Persistence is a rare virtue and signifies a high level of effort in order to succeed. Instill this value in your kids and teach them that they must work hard in life. Failures are a part of reality and must not put a dent in their confidence at all.

Don’t be harsh with criticism – Kindness goes a long way when it comes to dealing with children. Especially in the case of younger children, there is nothing a calm conversation cannot resolve. Strive to have meaningful communication with your children and watch their confidence blossom.

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Dr. Kirti Sisodhia

Content Writer


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