The Chamayavilaku festival is an annual Hindu celebration held at the Kottankulangara Sree Devi Temple in Kerala.

Men dress up as women as a sacred offering to the presiding deity, Goddess Durga (Vanadurga).

By donning female attire, they seek blessings, forgiveness for sins, and fulfillment of wishes.

By donning female attire, they seek blessings, forgiveness for sins, and fulfillment of wishes.

An astrologer advised constructing a temple, and the cowherders, who first performed the puja, dressed in female attire as part of tradition.

For many men, participating in Chamayavilaku is a custom passed down through generations. They buy new sarees, jewelry, and even get blouses stitched.

Boys below the age of 10 also participate by dressing as girls during the daytime in a ritual called Kakkavilakku.

The festival spans two days, starting in the evening and lasting until dawn.

Men believe that dressing as women during Chamayavilaku will bring blessings, prosperity, and success in various aspects of life.

Chamayavilaku is more than just a transgender festival—it’s a unique blend of tradition, faith, and cultural expression in Kerala.