Revamping India’s Education System: The Proposed Changes to the National Curriculum Framework
India's education system is set to undergo a major transformation with the proposed National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for School Education.
India's education system is set to undergo a major transformation with the proposed National Curriculum Framework (NCF) for School Education.
PM Shree School: प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने पुराने स्कूलों को एक नया स्वरूप देने के लिए ‘पीएम श्री’ योजना की शुरूआत साल 2022 में की थी। जिसकी शुरूआत हो चुकी है।
अक्सर ये कहा जाता है कि क्लास 10th हमारे भविष्य की नींव तैयार करती है।
The Arunachal Pradesh government signed a three-way Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with NITI Aayog and an organisation on July 30 to transform school education on a large scale.